[UPDATE APRIL 2021: I have since changed my stance on Medium. Please click the following link for a more recent opinion on Medium –> https://sylviesoul.com/5-reasons-why-its-still-worth-it-to-write-for-medium/] Mine was a whirlwind love affair for the writing platform Medium. I first became aware of the site in the early part of 2018. A place that housed thousands of […]
Tag: sylviesoul

Writer! Don’t Do it For the Money
When I was a child, my top 3 career choices were actor, writer, and mad scientist. After I realized the first and last option were probably not going to pan out, I put all my focus on becoming an author. In the 6th grade we had Career Day, and an actual author came to speak […]

What Will You Leave Behind to Become a Better Writer?
What are you willing to sacrifice? 🤔 I ended my podcast at the start of 2018. I ran The Vacant Lot, a podcast dedicated to the cartoon Hey Arnold!, as a culmination of years of love for the series, spanning the course of 18 months and 20 episodes. When I posted my farewell episode in January, I […]