What are you willing to sacrifice? 🤔 I ended my podcast at the start of 2018. I ran The Vacant Lot, a podcast dedicated to the cartoon Hey Arnold!, as a culmination of years of love for the series, spanning the course of 18 months and 20 episodes. When I posted my farewell episode in January, I […]
Tag: self improvement

What Fanfiction Has Taught Me About Writing
Originally published at writefarmlive.com on October 17, 2018. A co-worker noticed the Arnold figurine on my work desk. “You like Hey Arnold?” “I adore this show,” I blurted out, a bit too enthusiastically for a Monday morning. “Oh cool — I used to love the show as a kid,” she replied. That was the extent of our […]
You Are Not That Important
A co-worker at my office had to put her dog down last weekend. I felt bad for her, so I purchased a sympathy card and included a gift card to one of her favourite restaurants, thinking it would make her day. The Monday after she put her dog down, this same co-worker was physically assaulted […]

Revel in Your “Adorkable” Phase
So this is not the most flattering photograph of me. I don’t recall the exact date this photograph was taken, but judging by the visible pockmark on my forehead (a battle scar from contracting the chickenpox at a late age), I would wager I was at least 12 years old at the time. I didn’t like […]

The Person Who Will Replace You
I occasionally like to engage in this negative visualization exercise; maybe it’s healthy but probably not. I usually do it in times of stress, or when I feel I’m not performing as well as I should, be it in life, work, relationships, etc. I imagine the person who would replace me in my current role […]