I was meeting family for dinner in downtown Toronto, and I found myself retreading familiar ground. It was the same path I traveled to go to class just 2 years prior, when I was taking a course on Professional Communication at George Brown. It was the same path I took to go to my part-time […]
Tag: personal development

How the Movie ‘Booksmart’ Teaches You to Live Your Best Life
[This is a spoiler-free post] I was a nerd in high school. More concerned with schoolwork than friends, I was the girl who would bring a book to read at dances. I don’t regret focusing on my grades, but sometimes I wish I would have spent more time fostering relationships with my fellow classmates. I […]

How to Start When You’re Not Prepared
Warmer weather arrives languidly in Canada. I’m scheduled to run a 5K on St. Patrick’s Day, but it’s the earliest I’ve ever raced in the year, and the threat of a chilly, snowy run is at the forefront of my mind. Normally, I spend the weeks preceding a race running daily outside to prepare my […]

How to Grow Based on What You Don’t Know
“And if you don’t know, now you know” — The Notorious B.I.G. There’s a lot that I still don’t know. A simple philosophy gets me through life and makes it easier for me to relate with others, both in my working and social life: it’s the knowledge that there’s a lot of things in my life […]

The Person Who Will Replace You
I occasionally like to engage in this negative visualization exercise; maybe it’s healthy but probably not. I usually do it in times of stress, or when I feel I’m not performing as well as I should, be it in life, work, relationships, etc. I imagine the person who would replace me in my current role […]