“And if you don’t know, now you know” — The Notorious B.I.G. There’s a lot that I still don’t know. A simple philosophy gets me through life and makes it easier for me to relate with others, both in my working and social life: it’s the knowledge that there’s a lot of things in my life […]
Tag: mindfulness

How to Practice Gratitude in Miserable Weather
This is a follow-up to my previous article “It’s Hygge Time!” The extended winter-a-thon continues in my city of Toronto. I, like many others in this city, eyed the weekly forecast desperately, and looked forward to the weather prediction this week: a high temperature of 14⁰ Celsius (or just shy of 60⁰ Fahrenheit for you ‘Mericans […]

Revel in Your “Adorkable” Phase
So this is not the most flattering photograph of me. I don’t recall the exact date this photograph was taken, but judging by the visible pockmark on my forehead (a battle scar from contracting the chickenpox at a late age), I would wager I was at least 12 years old at the time. I didn’t like […]

The Person Who Will Replace You
I occasionally like to engage in this negative visualization exercise; maybe it’s healthy but probably not. I usually do it in times of stress, or when I feel I’m not performing as well as I should, be it in life, work, relationships, etc. I imagine the person who would replace me in my current role […]