My writing has become the target of a bad fanfiction reading. Fanfiction is a popular source of comedy on Youtube, where channels will select the worst, most cringiest piece of fanfiction they can find on the Internet and lambast it for an eager public. Think of a dramatic reading of the Harry Potter fanfic My […]
Tag: fanfiction

How to Stop the Addiction to Likes and Validation in Writing
I have an addiction. My drug of choice isn’t a controlled substance, and it can’t be bought in the stores or at the pharmacy. My drug is the little red circle that appears whenever I check my Wattpad account. It’s the email I receive notifying me when someone had liked, given kudos, or reviewed one […]

5 Reasons Writers Should Always Consistently Create
I got an email notifying me of a private message on my account. It read as followed: Hi; I noticed in your profile, that one of your favorite stories is Hey Arnold. I wrote a few Hey Arnold stories a while back. Have you read any of them? If not, when you have time, […]

What Will You Leave Behind to Become a Better Writer?
What are you willing to sacrifice? 🤔 I ended my podcast at the start of 2018. I ran The Vacant Lot, a podcast dedicated to the cartoon Hey Arnold!, as a culmination of years of love for the series, spanning the course of 18 months and 20 episodes. When I posted my farewell episode in January, I […]

What Fanfiction Has Taught Me About Writing
Originally published at on October 17, 2018. A co-worker noticed the Arnold figurine on my work desk. “You like Hey Arnold?” “I adore this show,” I blurted out, a bit too enthusiastically for a Monday morning. “Oh cool — I used to love the show as a kid,” she replied. That was the extent of our […]