If you’ve been following my site regularly, you’d know that I value consistency more than anything else in the writing process. If I were to preach only one thing on sylviesoul.com it would be for all writers, old or new, aspiring or established, to practice consistency. It is my mantra and hope by the time you finish […]
Tag: consistency in writing
How to Treat Writing Like it’s Your JOB
For the past 8 weeks, before doing anything else in my day, I wake up, sit at my kitchen table, and write for 3 full pages. My fiancé got me the book The Artist’s Way for my birthday. Admittedly, I’ve yet to crack it open, but I was intrigued by its companion piece: a book […]

5 Reasons Writers Should Always Consistently Create
I got an email notifying me of a private message on my fanfiction.net account. It read as followed: Hi; I noticed in your profile, that one of your favorite stories is Hey Arnold. I wrote a few Hey Arnold stories a while back. Have you read any of them? If not, when you have time, […]