I got an email notifying me of a private message on my fanfiction.net account. It read as followed: Hi; I noticed in your profile, that one of your favorite stories is Hey Arnold. I wrote a few Hey Arnold stories a while back. Have you read any of them? If not, when you have time, […]
Tag: advice for aspiring writers

Be Embarrassed, Make Mistakes, Keep Writing
I had my first guest post published in 2018, on the blog Live, Write Thrive. Prior to this, I had been posting exclusively on my personal website and on Medium. When I heard guest posting was a reliable way to gain a readership and build an audience, I set on my way to craft guest posts […]

What Fanfiction Has Taught Me About Writing
Originally published at writefarmlive.com on October 17, 2018. A co-worker noticed the Arnold figurine on my work desk. “You like Hey Arnold?” “I adore this show,” I blurted out, a bit too enthusiastically for a Monday morning. “Oh cool — I used to love the show as a kid,” she replied. That was the extent of our […]