Yes, Iâm talking about Spoony.
Iâve recently watched Demolition Man with my fiancĂ©, and I finally twisted his arm enough to show him one of Spoonyâs old videos, a review of the 3DO movie video game tie-in of the aforementioned film.
Lately, Iâve thought a lot about Spoonyâs old videos; oddly enough, it happened after I watch Zack Snyderâs Justice League.
Spoony aka The Spoony One aka Noah Antwiler was a content creator who was quite popular during the advent of âangry Internet gamingâ that propagated on Youtube around the mid-to-late 2000s.
Back in the day, you had James Rolfe (aka the Angry Video Game Nerd), and a myriad of copycats that were humorous enough to capitalize on the trend (Irate Gamer, PlayitBogart, Leisure Suit Gaming/Silent Rob, Eric Turner/Terrible NES Games, Urinating Tree, thee3nd, and Armake21, to name a few).
And then there was Spoony.
While the other content creators followed a standard formula of dressing down awful retro video games, Spoonyâs video stood out from the pack in few ways.
For one, he would often tackle FMV games, a subgenre of particularly terrible gaming that not many people remembered fondly or remembered at all, as they were usually relegated to either the PC or some other ill-fated, overpriced console of the 90s (ie. Sega CD).
Also: Spoony took a lot of his inspiration from Mystery Science Theatre 3000, and brandished that inspiration proudly in his style of humour and with his homemade mascot robot Burton, which was modeled off the character Gypsy.
At his peak, Spoony was unrivaled. The humor was hard-hitting and self-deprecating. It was gold. Glorious, irreverent gold.
Some of his highlights include Final Fantasy 8, Microcosm and Phantasmagoria 2, the only time Iâve ever sat through an entire Letâs Play of a game.
The Inevitable QuestionâŠWHAT HAPPENED?
There are numerous videos that chronicle the downfall of Spoony, so Iâll give a brief synopsis: after joining with Channel Awesome in the early 2010s, his content and output never truly recovered, and after being unceremoniously ousted after an infamous tweet to one of his female coworkers, Noah just seemed to meander willingly into obscurity.
(UPDATE 2022-05-21: At the time of writing, I had erroneously misgendered Jacob Chapman, formerly known as JesuOtaku, as a female. This was an egregious mistake and I sincerely apologize for any offense I may have caused.)

A lot of the individuals I mentioned above disappeared into obscurity, either because Youtube no longer favoured this type of abrasive, copyright-laden content, or because the creators themselves had moved on and pivoted into other things.
The exception, of course, being the original, James Rolfe, who has since released a feature-length movie and has built a brand called Cinemassacre which is able to exist independent of the angry gamer identity which made him famous. Married and with two kids, itâs safe to say Rolfe made the most successful transition from internet personality to well-adjusted adult.
But Back to Spoony. What on Earth Happened?
Spoony was also slated to make a movie, after his fans helped him reach a goal on patreon. Some say the pressure to deliver on the promise is what led to his demise.
Others say the fame of his halcyon days went to his head and he became unwilling and unable to take any sort of constructive criticism.
Others attribute it to mental health issues.
Present-day Spoony is a sad reminder of what could have been. A shell of a man, a drained husk of a titan who based his Internet persona on nostalgia, on the trappings of childhood, and is now ironically unable to pass the threshold into adulthood.
Look â like with Etika, I canât pretend to say I know the man.
But of all the angry gamers and their ilk, I was truly hoping for great things for Noah Antwiler.
Say what you will about his more recent offerings, back in the day, dude could write an impeccable script. He had wit. He was funny.
If anything is to blame for the current state of Spoony, itâs himself.
His time on Youtube may be over, but if he wants to succeed outside the platform, he has to want it for himself.
No one can âfixâ Spoony â not his fans, not his girlfriends, not his family, not even medication.
Noah Antwiler is the captain of his own destiny, always has been and always will.
The Million Dollar Questionâ How Does This Relate to Writing?
So here comes my clumsy attempt to relate this all back to the purpose of my site, sylviesoul.com.
I believe many of us who are writers will never reach meteoric success, will never grace the New York Times bestseller list.
A lot of you out there have an idea for a novel or a script in your head, but you havenât written it yet.
You think itâs too dumb, too hard, that no one will like it, that no one will like YOU once you put yourself out there.
Iâm here to tell you point blank: STOP IT.

Stop putting yourself down. Stop doubting yourself and just do the work.
No one can stop you, but also no one can make you start.
If you have a strong enough desire to get a project off the ground, youâll do it.
I have a long road ahead with the writing of my novel. There are times where I feel inadequate and afraid that Iâm fooling myself and that it will never happen.
But then I remind myself that if I donât do the work. If I donât commit the time and energy to write just a little bit every day, my dream wonât become a reality.
When it comes to your dreams, there are no shortcuts.
- Thereâs no winning lottery ticket.
- Thereâs no life-changing writing competition.
- Thereâs no Christian Grey to bankroll your ambitions.
Itâs YOU. YOU have to want it badly enough to make it happen.
I think I correlated Spoony and the whole #SnyderCut saga in my head because the latter is a similar tale of wasted potential.
Warner Bros. delivered a sub-par product in 2017, but Zack Snyder knew the movie was capable of so much more. He lobbied for his version, and the world finally got to see that vision realized in 2021.
So thereâs still hope yet for Spoony aka The Spoony One aka Noah Antwiler. Even if his next goal in life or dreams has nothing to do with filmmaking or Youtube or fans, he is the master of his own domain on how he can get there.
Do you agree? What are your thoughts on Spoony? Are you even into the bizarre subgenre of angry video game reviewing? Do you have a dream project in your head that you havenât yet started? Leave your comments below!
Sadly, James Rolfe isnât immune from the drama. Thereâs quite a bit of it leading to where he is today, and the split in his fandom.
Is there? By all accounts, James appears to be a stand up guy. If there’s any drama, I haven’t heard about it or it’s probably negligible.
Mike has made many hints during his livestreams that there is a lot of drama in the Cinemassacre house. Often when he does his 7+ hours streams he gets a bit loony and will start saying something and realize what he is about to say and change the subject.
According to some accounts the reason Bootsy and Kyle Justin left is the channel is that they didn’t get paid for the work they put into the channel. Kyle rebuilt the nerd room in a garage when James moved house and Bootsy was owed money for some music that he was commissioned to make. Mike himself has several skeletons in his closet, from racist comics to posting dick picks on the official reddit.
This is not to mention him giving creative control of his channel to a production company with it’s only terrible track record resulting in several recent plagiarism scandals.
I miss Spoony as well. He has recently been evicted from his house for mortgate nonpayment and now is living with his family. He was off of Twitter for a while, but came back after his dog died.
Spoony has many issues that he has to overcome and only he can do it. Many have given him advice but that can only work if the recipient isn’t wallowing in self pity. For awhile it looked like he was going to recover but then his girlfriend broke up with him and he spiraled down. I checked his twitter and it appears he hasn’t updated it for some time.
You literally explained nothing. You have a section that say âWhat happenedâ? and then dont give any detail.
Obviously Skullduggery lead to his eventual downfall that movie is pure evil.
Spoony had the worse case of Little Man Syndrome (he’s 5 ft 9).
Also, here’s what Jason Pullara f.k.a. LordKat of Until We Win said:
“I think it’s time the whole world, Spoony, heard just how much of a fucking idiot you truly are; You and that other idiot [Angry] Joe. When you were at E3 that one year, and you decided to go up and down the hallways screaming about XCOM’s betrayal, and Joe decided to ask people, “Can I choke you on camera?” Guess what happened, Spoony? Guess what fucking happened? The whole gaming industry turned its back on me. Not you. Not Joe. Not Blistered Thumbs. Me. I went to GDC the following year, Spoony. I went to GDC the following year, and I had a chance to interview Notch, Mojang Specifications, Minecraft. Had a chance. A fucking chance. He was hot then. That was gonna be huge for this week in games. That was gonna be huge for the stream. It was gonna be amazing. And you know what happened? The representative at Mojang caught wind that we were gonna interview Notch. And he stepped in, and he said, “Oh, I’ve heard of you. You’re with That Guy With The Glasses. You’re with Blistered Thumbs.” I tried to tell him, “No I’m not.” But he said my name was associated with them, and he heard what you did, making a fucking jackass of yourself at E3. You fucking moron. So they shot it down, and then word spread to GDC. “Oh, I’ve heard about you, you were the guy at E3.” They thought I was the guy at E3 making a jackass of everyone. I was there trying to be a legitimate member of the business of the gaming industry, and I’ve worked my ass off to separate myself from you. Every time, you just don’t get it. Every single fucking time, you act like a complete fucking jackass! It has repercussions for everyone you’re associated with, and you don’t give a shit!”