Halloween is fast approaching in all its spooky glory.
Perhaps you’ve been busy with work and family obligations and simply haven’t had the time to purchase a costume.
Don’t be that sad sack at the costume party who bought an overpriced get-up as an afterthought. Here are five costume ideas so clever and topical for 2019, your friends will overlook that you hardly spent any money at all!
“I just took a DNA test…”
Lizzo’s signature line from “Truth Hurts” became the meme line of 2019. To make this costume more Halloween-centric, find a witch’s hat, tape a screenshot of a DNA test on your shirt, and write over top of it with the phrase “100% THAT WITCH”. Bonus points for authenticity if you use your own DNA results from a genealogy site like Ancestry.
Family from Us
The movie may have come out in February, but Jordan Peele’s second film Us deserves to be revisited for this holiday season. Grab three of your closest friends and color-coordinate by donning matching red jumpsuits and scissors. Don’t forget to hold hands!
Salty Game of Thrones Fan (complete with Starbucks cup)
Game of Thrones may finally be over, but the feelings are still very much strong for the series, if the Internet is to be believed. Channel your feelings of rage and disappointment over the final season by taping bags of potato chips over a Game of Thrones t-shirt. Bonus points if you hold a Starbucks cup in one hand and a signed petition in the other.
Superhero Fatigue/Sequelitis
With the lack of creative ideas permeating Hollywood, this costume was long overdue. Wear a cape and attach a pillow to your head. (Alternatively, you can draw a bunch of spots on your face and wear a suit of all the sequels that were released in 2019.)
Plant-based protein
Beyond Meat is having a moment in 2019. And what’s scarier than food that doesn’t promote sustainability?! Show your support for the faux meat by dressing as a cow, then affixing several flowers and leaves to your costume. (Or you can dress as Poison Ivy and add some udders).
Thanks for reading! I’ll be taking a break from posting on the site to participate in NaNoWriMo. See you in December!