In honour of my 100th post on, I decided to comprise a list of 100 writing tips you can use to improve your writing skills and become a better writer. 1. Be consistent There’s that C – word again. There’s no two ways about it; if you want to improve, you have to create […]
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Is Vocal Media Worth It? Can You Make Money Writing For Vocal Media?
(UPDATE: This post is slightly outdated. For my most up-to-date thoughts, please check out my 1-year review on Vocal Media – I’ve been trying out the platform Vocal Media. It’s one of the more recent writing platforms to appear on the scene, similar to Medium and Newsbreak. I decided to try Vocal Media since […]

Reasons I Will Stop Participating in NaNoWriMo
December has arrived! I made a commitment to myself to use the month of November to really crack down on writing my novel. I sat in front of my computer and…once again crashed and burned. For those uninitiated, November is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, for short. In the penultimate month of the year, […]

Does it Make You Cool to Have Never Seen Game of Thrones?
[This is a spoiler-free post] It’s Game of Thrones season again, this time for the final time. This high-fantasy, high-flying dragon epic has captivated audiences since its premiere in 2011, and now with only a handful of episodes remaining, it will soon be time to say goodbye for good to Lady Sansa, the mad queen […]
Reasons You Should Leave Medium NOW
[UPDATE APRIL 2021: I have since changed my stance on Medium. Please click the following link for a more recent opinion on Medium –>] Mine was a whirlwind love affair for the writing platform Medium. I first became aware of the site in the early part of 2018. A place that housed thousands of […]