I had another topic in mind for this week, but I lost an entire day this weekend.
Why did I lose a day? It’s because I volunteered to model at a fashion show at a Porsche dealership.
Why was I modelling at a Porsche dealership? Search me. Chalk it up to my saying “yes” to things in a bid to bolster my self-confidence a la Dr. Aziz.
I volunteered in the fashion show to model clothing for a fashion designer to whose clothes I admired that was close to my house.
What I didn’t realize until it was too late too back out was that the fashion show was in ANOTHER CITY.
Or that hair and makeup were being done 12 HOURS before the actual show began.
I was pissed, make no mistake. But I was more pissed at myself than the situation.
I don’t mind doing something outside my wheelhouse, outside my comfort level.
But had I known all the details and logistics upfront, I likely would have changed my mind about participating.
Twelve hours of my life I will never get back. No pay. All I have to show for it is the makeup on my face and the blisters on my feet. And all I have to blame is myself.
Why? Because I didn’t ask questions.
My boyfriend said I should have dropped out and went home; maybe that would’ve been a wise decision.
But I had made a commitment, and even if the commitment turned out to be a big, flaming mistake, I’ll chalk it up to experience and learn from it.
It wasn’t all bad. To kill the time I went to a nearby cinema and watched Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. That movie WAS all bad (well, except for the actors. DiCaprio acted his ass off and deserves a nod for this one, but everything else was P.U.)
So…ask questions. Don’t be like me, a 30-something woman who wasted a perfectly good Sunday squeezed into a puffy monochromatic dress at Porsche dealership, questioning her life choices.